Friday, May 20, 2011

Get Ready for "THE WILD ONES" Art Show at SURFINDIAN, June 11th, 2011

Susan Wickstrand & Art Brewer, "The Wild One, Bunker Spreckels, Hanalei, HI", Oil, Collage & Encaustic on Wood Panel", 2011

Music for "The Wild Ones" Art show at Surfindian provided by The Mattson 2
Sneak peek of Collaborative Collage with Tom Servais, "Schnabel al Promontorio Roccioso, HI" Julian Schnable at Rocky Point Hawaii
Collaborative collage with Todd Glaser, "Lauren Hill Noosa Slide"

Susan Wickstrand & Todd Glaser, "Montauk Rocks" (detail) Collaborative Oil & Encaustic Collage on Wood Panel, 2011, created for, "THE WILD ONES" exhibition at SURFINDIAN on Sat. June 11th, 6:30-10:30ish.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Hubby's Cover Shot, Tracks Magazine

Here's hubby, Kevin Roche's Cover shot for "Tracks" Magazine out of Oz. of Ryan Burch while filming Cyrus Sutton's "Stoked and Broke".
