Monday, October 15, 2012

New Susan Wickstrand ARTworks released, currently on view at Surfindian, PB

Here's 11 of my newest one of a kind Original Oil & Encaustic (wax) Collages.  The process of Encaustic comes from the Ancient Greeks.  They'd paint the bows of their wooden ships in pigment then coat with molten wax to protect.  To this day it's a great way to create art.  All originals are currently on view at Surfindian, PB. Click on each image for more info.  Enjoy:
 "Tamarack to Tangiers"©, 2012, Orig. Oil & Encaustic Collage on Wood Panel
 "She Slides"©, 2012, Orig. Oil & Encaustic Collage on Wood Panel
 "Sea Flowers & Saffron"©, 2012, Orig. Oil & Encaustic Collage on Wood Panel
 "Outlaws, Homage to Danny Lyon" NFS, 2012, Orig. Oil & Encaustic Collage on Wood Panel
 "Meet Me At The Sea"©, 2012, Orig. Oil & Encaustic Collage on Wood Panel
 "Last Match"©, 2012, Orig. Oil & Encaustic Collage on Wood Panel
 "Gun Slingers, Christenson & Brewer"©, 2012, Orig. Oil & Encaustic Collage on Wood Panel
 "Gun Slinger, CC Slider"©, 2012, Orig. Oil & Encaustic Collage on Wood Panel
 "Go Faster, Chris Christenson"©, 2012, Orig. Oil & Encaustic Collage on Wood Panel
 "Colette, NYC to Tokyo"©, 2012, Orig. Oil & Encaustic Collage on Wood Panel
"Glaser Would Go"©, 2012, Orig. Oil & Encaustic Collage on Wood Panel

Monday, October 8, 2012
